Tuesday, September 09, 2008

*my favorite holiday(s)*

what is yours? mine is Christmas and New Year.

New year coz a new beginning. Another year of battle. Another year of challenge.

Christmas... my most favorite because I like the idea of giving... sharing. The kids and the family more closer on this occassion.

I wished it's Christmas everyday. :)

In The Fairyland On|1:24:00 PM| 0 comments

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

*Ever experienced it?*

that even everything seems normal, you will stop and analyze things... sometimes... doubt some.

I need a hug. :(

In The Fairyland On|11:46:00 AM| 0 comments

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm done with the ITRs. Done with the 2006 reports. Already submitted to our owner. Perhaps, a few revisions.

Finally, I can proceed to the present transactions. And maybe, i can devoute more time to myself and fam and friends. :)

In The Fairyland On|9:59:00 AM| 0 comments

Friday, April 13, 2007


i have a lot of thoughts running in my mind.

sometimes i want to tell someone about it. but then i thought i rather write them. and then again, i will end up keeping it to myself.

been like this for a long time. who needs to listen to me? and besides, i feel like i want to remain as i am... up to you to know me. let me be... unknown... a mystery.

In The Fairyland On|1:05:00 AM| 0 comments

Friday, March 02, 2007

*Some Good Advice*

Let me start w/ this quote:

"A good thing about FRIENDSHIP is to know whom to confide a secret."

Here are the advices:
  1. Give people more than they expect.
  2. When you say, "I love you", mean it.
  3. When you say, "I am sorry", look into the eyes of that person.
  4. Do not ever make fun of other people's dreams, love deeply and with passion. You may get hurt, but it is the only way to live your life to the full.
  5. Do not offend and judge other people according to how their relatives behave.
  6. Speak slowly, but think quickly.
  7. If someone ask you a question that you do not want to answer, smile and asks him why do you want to know.
  8. Remember that the greatest love and the greatest success involve the greatest risks.
  9. When you loose, do not miss the lesson.
  10. Remember the 3 Rs
  • Respect yourself.
  • Respect others.
  • Responsibility for all your actions.

11. Do not let a small misunderstanding ruin a great friendship. When you realized you made a mistake, correct it immediately.
12. Smile when you answer the phone, who calls will be able to hear it on your voice.
13. Read between the lines.
14. Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want maybe quiet fortunate.

In The Fairyland On|9:35:00 PM| 0 comments

Friday, February 16, 2007


It's been a long time since i made a post here.

Well, thanks to Ryan, I remember to post my thought. :P

Nothing really special. I just realized that how time flies. It's Ryan's birthday again on the 22nd. I had the chance to look at him from head to foot. Just a few years from now and he'll be taller than me.

It seems like it was just yesterday. I was babysitting Ryan. Singing him lullabyes to make him fall asleep... changing his diapers... preparing his milk.

Now, he will be 8. He barely drink milk. He rarely takes a nap and prefers to play in the afternoon. We rarely have time together. I knew he misses me just as I miss him.

What I can only do now is kiss him goodbye in the morning before I go to work. *sigh* My baby nephew. I was looking at his pics when he was one year old. Those days brings back smiles to my face.

I hope to make it up to him. Hope I can find time for us to bond again.

In The Fairyland On|8:45:00 PM| 1 comments

Thursday, October 26, 2006

*One of my fave songs*

It's an all time fave song of mine. :)

Sing me your song again

Sing me your song again, Daddy
Sing me a happy verse.
Teach me those clever lines you sang
As you carried me on your shoulders.
Sing me that hymn that you so loudly
Sang in church with mom.
Sing it again to me and fill me
With all your words of wisdom.

Comforting words of love when I
Would get home from school in tears.
Somehow your songs have stayed within me
Down through all the years.
Once when my younger heart was broken
Your shoulder was there to cry on.
Sing me those songs I know will linger
Long after you have gone.

I am standing at the threshold
Of a chapter in my life
I am asking for your blessing
As I'm about to be the wife
Of a man I know who loves me
And I'm proud to be his bride.
Dad the time has come for me to leave your side.

So, sing me a song again, Daddy.
Sing me a lullaby.
Wrap me inside your arms, Daddy,
'Though this is not goodbye.
Your songs will live forever
In my heart. When times get rough
The ones I'll most remember
Are your songs of love.


Your songs will live forever
In my heart. When times get rough


The ones I'll most remember
Are your songs of love.

In The Fairyland On|7:44:00 PM| 0 comments

My Journey
If in time you get down
And when you look behind.
And never see me there
Don't think I abandoned you...
I was in front of you...
Clearing the way from the people
Who will try to hurt you.

[ The Fairy ]

Name: Mai
Age: 29
Status:Greg's fiancee'
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: ~ a SLAVE by the day... a chronic DAYDREAMER at night ~
Contact me: smartfearlessgal@aim.com
visit my page at Myspace| sms

[ My Adores ]

traveling - watching movies - SINGING - conversations - surfing the net - reading - cosmetics & accessories - spa - nice smells - architectural designs - interior designs - HTML codes - History - poetry - bags, simple and cute ones - sports like basketball, volleyball, bowling, billiards, swimming, badminton - hangin'-out w/ friends - anything that will enhance myself... physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual

[ Live With Me ]

[ My Past Wishes ]

*April 2005
*May 2005
*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*March 2006
*April 2006
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*October 2006
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2008
*September 2008

[ My Other FairyTale ]
Chasing Mr. Right

[ My Friends]


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