Thursday, April 28, 2005

*I'm getting irritated...*

Well, i'm getting pissed off by one of our employee. I hate the way he acts. He's very stubborn and act like he's the boss.

He's not under my supervision. I told my friend he needed some slapping to realize that he's doing no good to the company. My gosh! He has a big salary that he doesn't deserve to get. Our President and Vice-president are too kind to them. They are not doing some action. They will just get angry and then forget it. I wonder what will our CEO's reaction if he'll know about this particular employee. Knowing him...

I'm still busy w/ paperworks... but getting it all done one by one. I'm building a website for myself. Putting all my interests. Perhaps, an online collections. Like mp3s, recipes, quotes, etc.

In The Fairyland On|7:26:00 PM| 0 comments

Sunday, April 24, 2005

*still feels lazy...*

I still feel lazy until now... just checkin' and sending messages to my friends...

I had finished some reports but there's new one to do... besides, our Japanese owner is coming this May 1st... got to prepare reports for the director's assembly... also, have to analyze my reports furthermore so that i'm prepared for the assembly.

Gone to church today and of course, mall again. The shopaholic in me... hehe.. bought bodyshop's bronzer and tea tree concealer... also shue uemura's eyelash curler... i love this one... i like the look of my lashes when i use this...

bought also 2 books, confessions of a shopaholic and shopaholic and sister... hahaha... isn't it obvious i'm a shopaholic? but i'm a shopaholic using my own money...

got a foot massage too... got to grab the chance while waiting for the guys... i even got new hair clips for myself... sssh... silence... if my Mom would know the individual price of it, i couldn't imagine how big can she make her eyes in disbelief...

In The Fairyland On|8:45:00 PM| 0 comments

Friday, April 22, 2005

*Feeling Lazy...*

I'm feeling kinda lazy this past few days... i mean lazy in replying and visiting sites... I have lots of things to do... works to prioritize... I'm getting disorganize. Got to stop and think for awhile. Ask myself where I am, what I want. I'm loosing my track... It seems I'm stucked, don't know where.

In The Fairyland On|1:01:00 PM| 0 comments

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

*Thick Face...*

Here's a conversation w/ a co-employee while we were on our way home last night.

Me: I've heard you're going back to the Philippines, when?
Guy: Yeah, next month. You're ignoring me that's why I prefer to go home.
Me: Better go home then (in a sarcastic tone).

The nerve of the guy! As if I'll gonna jump on his bed. Excuse me! He's a married man. Am I not making it clear to him? When I arrived in Thailand he tried to go in my apartment. Hellooo? As in HELLOOO? I did not let him in because it was obvious he's trying to make his way with me. He's lucky I didn't slam the door on his face. I just told him I'm too tired to entertain visitors then.

Then, when I made a joke about my hotel room in Pattaya.. being spacious, he said he should have come. The nerve! I want to slap his face honestly. My eyebrows were raising so high I can't imagine. If I could only kick his ass...

~ ~ ~

I just got back from Bangkok. Finally, my working permit was already fixed. I was bored coz I'm not used to being idle. I'll go home early today, have laundry to attend to.

In The Fairyland On|6:37:00 PM| 0 comments

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

*I am born to love her!*

Damn! When can I say this? Or when can someone say this to me? I hope sooner (sigh...).

This was a headline I saw from someone else's profile. And he's a guy. I sometimes can't get help but envy those girls... I think they're so lucky. I encountered a guy who was lost when their relationship was in the rocks. I admire those guys. And I can't believe there are guys like that. Come on, guys don't like so much dramas in their life. They think it will make them less of a man. I had accepted it that's why guys like I've mentioned earlier surprised me. They still exist? Huh?

I was recently heartbroken. Yeah, I can recover so fast but I admit I still love him. I don't know what went wrong. Did I just presume? Is it only me who thinks there was going on between us? I asked him the reason he didn't bother to reply. I can't get guys anymore. I thought they want no pretenses. What do their really want? The submissive type or the fearless woman nowadays?

Hell, I'm a tough woman. I am very independent and I believe I have a strong character. But then I am very much willing to share my life to somebody else and grow with him. I am very far from being a damsel in distress. I love fairy tales but I don't believe in a knight in shining armor anymore. I could take care of myself but sometimes I just wish there's someone out there to pamper me. Isn't it nice to be sweet sometimes? Special moments with the one you love for me is a thing that money can't buy. It's one of those that i'll forever treasure and will always give me a smile if I look back to.

A friend says I was so intimidating. I said, "If a guy don't know how to approach me then he's not for me." He should have the guts. I don't want a guy who's so lame. I am bold and wild and crazy sometimes. I want someone who could tame my heart. Or so as my friend says, of the same wavelength as we are.

One friend says, post my thoughts or 2 cents on threads like love and relationships. I'm too lazy for that. It's not also my thing. I sometimes want attention but I value my privacy too. And besides, it feels like I'm advertising myself. I'm not that depress no! No offense, but it's just really not my thing.

If he comes, he will come. I may not know he might be just around taking his time. Sooner we will cross paths.

In The Fairyland On|1:24:00 PM| 0 comments

Monday, April 18, 2005

*It's my Parent's Anniversary!*

April 18. It's my Nanay and Dad's wedding anniversary. 29 years of being tied in their vows. Ooops, I'm only 27 going 28 on December. I was born a year after their wedding.

My parents marriage is far from being perfect. I won't say more. They might spank me if they get to know I'm telling the world they are not a perfect couple. Their marriage had been in the rocks so many times. Encountered a lot of family problems, you could ordinarily hear to. But we as a family, stood them all.

I would say my Dad has been a good provider, yeah, good, not the best. But he loves as so much, his children and would sacrifice and do everything for us.

My Mom has her share of sacrifices. Went to work abroad to help my dad in giving us a better future, a good education. I am guilty of not being too showy on how I am appreciative of her sacrifices. Mom is so drama kasi. I find it corny sometimes. Nevertheless, I love her too. And no matter what I will be there for the two of them, always.

Usually, when it's their anniversary, me and my siblings buy food for us to eat. We will not inform them, it's a surprise. Sometimes, now that I'm working I give them money to buy. But the two of them sometimes said just save the money or just give me money. Hmmm, parents talaga, specially my mother, so stingy.

Now, I asked them did they prepare something for today. My dad said, none. Save for the fiesta or for my youngest sis tuition. Haay, whatever. I will get back on mother/father's day. I will conspire w/ my right hand, my sister.

Speaking of right-hand, I was their right hand before. Now, I'm the boss. He, he. I sometimes asked my Dad what to do now. Bad daughter. But remember, sometimes not all the time. He is still my father, I'm still scared of him.

Well, my family's relationship w/ each other... I must say getting better. And no matter what storm will come, we could face it standing strong as ever.

In The Fairyland On|8:14:00 PM| 0 comments

Sunday, April 17, 2005

*A Great Vacation!*

I'm back from a two-day vacation. It's a blast. Though I was not able to swim coz I got headache when we reached the hotel, it was still a memorable one.

The room was spacious and when I entered I somehow felt sad. The bed was so big. The two guys had someone to share it with, I didn't have one (sob).

I'm still a princess to the two eventhough they had their partner. They always checked me if i'm okay and enjoying. I was always, " Don't mind me. I'm okay." Herlan even got my medicine from the front desk and always asked me if I'm hungry. I wasn't able to eat that much coz i felt that I'll just gonna throw it out due to my headache.

I took my medicine, slept and rested for about 2-3 hours. When I woke up I felt better. We dine out. I just ate fruits. We went to a bar. We had a hard time finding a videoke bar. My desire to sing got us to an open bar. There's not much people in front of the stage. They were near the road. I got to sing and stealed the stage for two songs from the first singer. An old man, think in his 50's, went to the stage and grabbed the mic from me. He sang eventhough out of tune. He's singing and dancing.

An old lady there praised me.She said I sang well. I went back to the stage for another song, Top of the World. This time I was more comfortable. It was a nice experience. We stayed a little longer then the guys decided to play billiards. I watched them then I excused myself and headed to Starbucks. I chose to drink and eat on the 2nd floor. The view was nice. I could see the beach under the moonlight and then the people and the busy streets. A friend says, Pattaya was awake at night and sleeping in the morning. True!

On our last day, we went to the park and ate there. It was really a great vacation and I will surely come back there.

In The Fairyland On|7:11:00 PM| 0 comments

Thursday, April 14, 2005

*What makes an effective Chief Executive?*

I was watching CNN today. News were disappointing. The world is in chaos. Everywhere in the world there are disputes. Hmmp! I wanted to off the T.V. but then I wanted to be updated what was happening outside the four walls of our office.

Then, this caught my attention, "What makes an effective Chief Executive?" Chief executives were in the news this past few days. Change of CEOs for top multinational companies. Controversies. I thought about my current and past bosses. I thought I am lucky coz not every employee can talk or report directly to the CEO.

I look up for my Superior, not only the owner but my previous Managers. I was inspired to climb to the top and be one too. For me, who are worthy to be a Manager/Superior? Those who know how to reach out with their subordinates. But sadly most people when they are on the top they forget where they came from. I don't know. Is there really that attitude. I swear to myself, I won't be one. That's why I maintain a "buddy relationship" with my staff. I see to it that I make them comfortable with me and I'm easy to approach. I want her (coz most of my staff are female) to feel that we are a team.And I am not the bossy type.

People around were wondering how could I tame my staffs' attitude. Funny, I was priveleged to have a staff that has extraordinary attitude. Somehow like me, tough... a fighter. To others, my staffs are weird, hard to reach out, completely opposite of my soft-spoken character according to them. Well, my staffs, if they could look closely, are persons with depth. Efficient and loyal. Intelligent. I can relate to them. They know how a superior-subordinate relationship works.

Also, a superior should know how to respect his/her subordinate. Respect is something you could get if you know how to give it. I don't want to see my employee scared of me. There's a big difference between the two.

Right now, I still have contacts with my previous staffs and they are a friend I know I can rely on.

In The Fairyland On|6:18:00 PM| 0 comments

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I don't know what to write. I have so many ideas I want to put in writing but when I'm in front of the monitor I went blank.

Ah! Okay, I know now mySpace. One of my fave site. I am so happy about the friends that I've meet here. How I wish I could visit or meet all of them one day. I have already arrange a meeting w/ some of them and I'm excited to hang-out w/ them. Well, if I could have time and the means to go to their place why not? I got to travel and then meet a friend.

One more thing that I like in mySpace is the Html codes. I'm amuse w/ some of the layouts and design of the page of other members. My current page is my 2nd design. I'm planning to change the whole layout.

~ ~ ~
Oh, my trip to the beach was almost cancelled. But I warned my friend, " You cannot cancel that I have bought my stuffs." Hehe... I won. I did some general cleaning this morning then evening, foot spa and my night ritual. Tomorrow, my hair. My weakness. I found some self-satisfaction in indulging myself to spa and beauty stuff. Not to catch a guy. Hell, no! I would always stay beautiful w/ or w/out a guy.

In The Fairyland On|2:26:00 PM| 0 comments

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

*In the Company of 12 Men*

When I was told I'm going to work in Thailand, I did not worry at all. Why? Coz it's like living in the Philippines and there are Filipino men working in our companies there. I think my parents were more worried than myself. Men, I could handle them eventhough I don't know all of them and I haven't seen some of them yet. I was not a teenager anymore who was aloof w/ boys. Ruel, my classmate in highschool, opened my eyes in terms of dealing with boys. Looking back then, it's a right decision. Boys are fun to be with.

Going back to my men. Their age range from 27 -40 and i can say i'm doing pretty good and mature enough w/ my relationships towards them. Ha! Some tried to get a pass w/ me. No way! My gosh! They are all married. I'm not yet insane. What did I do for those who tried? Well, I just leashed my sarcastic tongue and told them impliedly (through joke)that it's a no, no to me. Heck, my father will kill me. I don't let them come in my room. I select guys that I allow to enter my apartment. They are the guys that I'm more comfortable to be with.

Others don't speak coz they think I'm a snob. He,he. I am, sometimes but I already solve that now they are more comfortable with me and they know how to approach me.

What about the others? My favorites... ha, ha.. they are like my elder brothers... I am like a princess to them and I admit they give me special treatment and I like that. But I'm not abusive and it's not me if I can do it I'll do it. I would only seek their help if I really can't. It's nice to be w/ them. They sometimes cracked jokes w/ me and vice versa. Most of the time they teased me but I can tolerate them. I'm more comfortable w/ them now than ever.

This friday, i'll go to the beach w/ the two of them. I was advised to bring a partner of my own. Nyee! I said I don't need that I could enjoy going to the beach. Perhaps, I could find my partner there... hehe...

In The Fairyland On|1:14:00 PM| 1 comments

Monday, April 11, 2005

*first real entry? bitching?*

well, my plan was one entry per day but then I felt the urge to shout becoz someone pissed me off. The nerve of the guy! Why can't he separate work from personal matters? Grrrr... as in grrr... What a childish act! I'm living my life as if he's not existing but then he continues to annoy me. What does he want? I'm giving him space becoz i'm still considering his feelings but then it seems he wants war. Maybe, I should consider the game he wants us to play. I'll give him his own dose of medicine.

In The Fairyland On|6:18:00 PM| 0 comments

*making improvements...*

I'm still thinking of how to organize the ideas i have in my mind to come out with what I want... Maybe in a few days. I'm still busy with work. Have to finish reports before I go on vacation this Wednesday.

In The Fairyland On|8:47:00 AM| 0 comments

Friday, April 08, 2005

*in process*

I can't really wait to get my hand at this new found hobby of mine. As of the moment, layout design is not yet finish. I seek the help of a very generous friend. I'm thinking of how can I repay her. Ha, ha, ha... It's very obvious I really want to talk. Well, this is all about me and nobody can contest my feelings and what I'm thinking. This is my world.

In The Fairyland On|3:47:00 PM| 0 comments

My Journey
If in time you get down
And when you look behind.
And never see me there
Don't think I abandoned you...
I was in front of you...
Clearing the way from the people
Who will try to hurt you.

[ The Fairy ]

Name: Mai
Age: 29
Status:Greg's fiancee'
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: ~ a SLAVE by the day... a chronic DAYDREAMER at night ~
Contact me:
visit my page at Myspace| sms

[ My Adores ]

traveling - watching movies - SINGING - conversations - surfing the net - reading - cosmetics & accessories - spa - nice smells - architectural designs - interior designs - HTML codes - History - poetry - bags, simple and cute ones - sports like basketball, volleyball, bowling, billiards, swimming, badminton - hangin'-out w/ friends - anything that will enhance myself... physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual

[ Live With Me ]

[ My Past Wishes ]

*April 2005
*May 2005
*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*March 2006
*April 2006
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*October 2006
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2008
*September 2008

[ My Other FairyTale ]
Chasing Mr. Right

[ My Friends]


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