Saturday, April 22, 2006


Most of the time, I was surprised of how people find me. Often than not, they will say they thought i'm a snob and i will not greet them if ever i'm in the same crowd. I must admit I intentionally intimidate some. Hehe... defense mechanism. But often than not I am the one who will first greet. I only don't when after a couple of meetings and i greet first,that person still chose to ignore me. What's up with that huh?!

Another thing, sometimes officemates tell me to smile. According to them, I looked serious working. Uhmmm, i don't know but maybe I am just too glued with what i'm doing. And i am really serious specially when i have deadlines to meet. And besides, doesn't it make me look crazy smiling w/ no reason at all??? hahaha.

And another misconception is i'm rich. Hellooooooo???? Do i look like one? Can't help to chuckle when people say, "So, u have lots of money now?" Hahaha... How i wished?!

In The Fairyland On|12:26:00 PM| 0 comments

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I'm back. I will revive my page. Hope to hear from u guys. Love u mwah!

In The Fairyland On|12:25:00 AM| 0 comments

My Journey
If in time you get down
And when you look behind.
And never see me there
Don't think I abandoned you...
I was in front of you...
Clearing the way from the people
Who will try to hurt you.

[ The Fairy ]

Name: Mai
Age: 29
Status:Greg's fiancee'
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: ~ a SLAVE by the day... a chronic DAYDREAMER at night ~
Contact me:
visit my page at Myspace| sms

[ My Adores ]

traveling - watching movies - SINGING - conversations - surfing the net - reading - cosmetics & accessories - spa - nice smells - architectural designs - interior designs - HTML codes - History - poetry - bags, simple and cute ones - sports like basketball, volleyball, bowling, billiards, swimming, badminton - hangin'-out w/ friends - anything that will enhance myself... physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual

[ Live With Me ]

[ My Past Wishes ]

*April 2005
*May 2005
*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*March 2006
*April 2006
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*October 2006
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2008
*September 2008

[ My Other FairyTale ]
Chasing Mr. Right

[ My Friends]


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