Friday, August 18, 2006


so, it is Friday here. Last day of work for the week. I'm looking forward for a long weekend. No office on Monday, it's declared special holiday. I might be in Manila again to look for a new place.

Many stuff rock my socks. Studying. Light atmosphere in the office. I might get Myra to work w/ me again.

There are some lil probs in the fam but it won't ruin the positive energy i'm feeling. Actually not really a prob but I just wished to see my fam doing good. They are a part of me and even if I have my own family, I will still look over them. My fam is one top reason I am where I am right now. And i'll do everything for them.

In The Fairyland On|9:32:00 AM| 0 comments

Thursday, August 17, 2006


so, it is Myra's interview today. I was told she's considered for the position. Yehey! (One more prayer from you guys) She will be under my supervision but it's a different brand.

another thing that made me happy, I already got the book I was looking. And it's a signal i should get serious w/ that matter.

and last but not the least, I talked to my sexy bf. hahaha. His voice is music to my ears. Isn't it great to wake up in the morning to see your love's messages on your phone? hahaha. so mushy today... bear with me. :-P

later guys... mmmwah!

In The Fairyland On|10:31:00 AM| 0 comments

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

*feel better*

I feel better now. Just a little cough. I am okay but not my Dad. My fever transferred to him :-(

Just now, our Audit Manager asked me to contact Myra for an interview. Help me pray that Myra will get the slot. I wanted to work with her again. And I miss the lady even though we txt each other from time to time.

I just finished another work moving on to a new one. I really need an assistant now to do the nitty gritty of the work.

Have a good week everyone. Be safe always. Mmmmwah!

In The Fairyland On|3:52:00 PM| 0 comments

Monday, August 14, 2006


hmmm... Boring Monday...

Seems like everything's slow. i don't like the feeling. I want it to be a fast phase, for me to not be able to think of something. I am not that fully well but I wanted to run. Do this, do that.

I hate that it's silent now in here. I hate it. I hate it.

In The Fairyland On|11:16:00 AM| 0 comments

Sunday, August 13, 2006

*my ultimate dream*

Most of u may probably know my ultimate dream. I want to believe I'm on the right track.

For my career, I'm doing pretty good though sometimes I get frustrated I think I'm slow in achieving what I want. But yep, sorry Jesus, I know I should be thankful. I am thankful so please forgive me. Mmmwah! U know I love you.

But my career is just a part of my dream. I want to have a stable one where I can support my ultimate dream. Yep, to have a WONDERFUL FAMILY of my own. For me, the most rewarding job is to be a good mother and wife.

I remember what my bestfriend told me, she was so afraid specially all the first time that she'll do stuff to her baby. Like changing diapers, taking a bath, feeding milk, etc. She wanted to cry and she's sooo afraid she might hurt her baby. For a while, I paused and thought how will I be. Of course, I did some of that with Ryan. But it's really different if he/she's from your womb. I was kinda scared for a moment but I got excited too of the thought.

Then, to be a wife. I am always hoping to have a partner who's responsible and confident of himself. Not to be intimidated of my so-called achievements that for me is nothing or don't exist.

I am a strong and independent woman but I also want to be taken care of by my man. In office, I am the boss. I give commands, i look for my subordinates. But at home, I want to be the one controlled. Not the "submissive" type you know but I just want my future hubby to be the MAN of the family.

How am i dedicated to work, I am like that to my relationships... to my family, to my friends and to my love. I don't really talk that much. I may talk a lot sometimes but there's more that you don't know of me.

My heart is not that elusive. You should know what buttons to push.

In The Fairyland On|5:14:00 PM| 0 comments

Friday, August 11, 2006


So, my plan to treat my family this Sat was postponed. My sister can't absent from work, my Dad has a seminar. Perhaps, next week and we will tag Ryan and Tan- Tan.

In The Fairyland On|10:24:00 AM| 0 comments


so, I went to the bookstore last night but they don't have the book i was looking for so probably i will make a trip this weekend to Alabang. I ended up buying finally my copy of the Da Vinci Code and Unbearable Lightness of Being byt Milan Kundera.

This morning,as I walked towards our office, a freak overtook me and said, "You smell good." WTF! I don't even wear a perfume today! What is happening to the world???

It kinda creepy this past few days.

Btw, i have a fever since last night but I can't just absent to work. have a lot of things to do.

In The Fairyland On|9:46:00 AM| 0 comments

Thursday, August 10, 2006

*My element*

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

In The Fairyland On|2:18:00 PM| 0 comments

Thursday, August 03, 2006


So, yeah, I am still working out to get what I want. To not get insane, it's a good thing I got contacts with my friends.

Today, I received an invite from Gemma to dine out along with some other friends. I accepted. I need a break from time to time. I am avoiding to spend a lot of time in front of the computer.

What I rejected was an invite for a blind date. First and foremost, I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP. Whatever is going on w/ the relationship, it's a DEFINITE NO.

Another is I haven't into blind dating. I think I'm scared of blind dates. I have to know the person first before I agree to go out w/ him.

I think those sum it up why Blind Date is a no no to me.

In The Fairyland On|11:44:00 AM| 0 comments

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

*Ryan brightened my day*

Today, before I went to work, Arni told me a story about Ryan. They were required at school to submit a plastic envelope and he told his older brother that they should request to buy 3 instead of 2 envelopes. He reasoned that maybe his older bro needed it too eventhough Ron-Ron insisted he didn't need the envelope bcoz he got one already.

I'm glad at how Ryan grows. He grows as a thoughtful and caring boy. He's shy and sweet. Whenever we're out together and whether i will buy him toys or food, he never failed to remember his siblings. I have to buy for 3 kids not one. He always wanted that if he has something new, his brothers have one too.

My Dad told me that I am spoiling him a lot but I don't think I am. Bcoz when I say to Ryan that No, we can't buy that. He understood. Sometimes, he is giving me his own money and said that I should add it to our food or his help for our fare.

He has grown so fast. Looking back, it seems it was just yesterday I held him on my arms while singing a lullabye. Sigh

In The Fairyland On|10:26:00 AM| 0 comments

My Journey
If in time you get down
And when you look behind.
And never see me there
Don't think I abandoned you...
I was in front of you...
Clearing the way from the people
Who will try to hurt you.

[ The Fairy ]

Name: Mai
Age: 29
Status:Greg's fiancee'
Ethnicity: Asian
Sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: ~ a SLAVE by the day... a chronic DAYDREAMER at night ~
Contact me:
visit my page at Myspace| sms

[ My Adores ]

traveling - watching movies - SINGING - conversations - surfing the net - reading - cosmetics & accessories - spa - nice smells - architectural designs - interior designs - HTML codes - History - poetry - bags, simple and cute ones - sports like basketball, volleyball, bowling, billiards, swimming, badminton - hangin'-out w/ friends - anything that will enhance myself... physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual

[ Live With Me ]

[ My Past Wishes ]

*April 2005
*May 2005
*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*March 2006
*April 2006
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*October 2006
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2008
*September 2008

[ My Other FairyTale ]
Chasing Mr. Right

[ My Friends]


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